We find ourselves, once more, watching the days grow longer and the lakes and sky turn a vibrant blue. Summer never seems to last long enough in our region. Let’s find ways to make the most of our own outdoor spaces while we make plans for the destinations we hope to visit again soon.
A Brief History of Madras Plaid
It’s easy to spot at any stylish summer gathering in the lakeside communities of the upper Midwest, the cheerful, brightly-hued plaid and patchwork of classic Madras fabric. Named after the Indian city of Madras (renamed Chennai in 1996 ) in eastern India, Madras fabric is made of lightweight, hand-woven cotton, ideal for the steamy climate of India and summer in the Great Lakes region.

Featured in this Issue

Chicago’s Parks & Boulevards
As early as the mid-1800s, visionary Chicago planners conceived of a vast system of parks and open spaces providing residents with access to the natural prairie landscapes that were disappearing as the city grew and expanded westward. While the lakefront parks command attention, several treasures of the park system can be found along the west and south sides of the city, connected by Chicago’s historic boulevards. These parks offer a refuge from the bustling streets and sidewalks of the city and a place to reconnect with nature.
Traditional Garden Design
The loveliest and most peaceful gardens are often the simplest. With a small assortment of beautiful and reliable nursery staples, even a novice gardener can build an exquisite outdoor sanctuary. These five common plants create the foundation for a stylish, traditional garden, perfectly matched to the vintage homes and shady neighborhoods of the northern Midwest. These are the steadfast requisites for your garden. There are no divas here. They ask for little attention, give more than they take, and thrive in the erratic climate of the Great Lakes Region. Beauty is found in simplicity.

Harbor View Cottage
A well-designed home tells the story of its owners. The colors and furnishings, the art and decorative objects create a narrative, unfolding in chapters. For this family, their home speaks of a life on the water.