On the most exclusive waterways of the upper Midwest, the ultimate mark of established status is a vintage boathouse clinging to the water’s edge. Even more than the most opulent lakeside home, a classic, well-worn and lovingly maintained boathouse is the stuff of dreams. On many of the region’s inland lakes, development restrictions prevent property owners from erecting new boathouses making the established specimens all the more coveted. A place to store a classic mahogany runabout and small sailing skiff, the lakeside boathouse also offers a gathering place for its lake-loving mariners. The ideal specimen is decorated comfortably in well-worn rugs, soft fabrics, and vintage nautical accouterments. Of course, a well-stocked bar is essential.

We’ve assembled a collection of products to outfit the boathouse of our fondest imagination starting with a beautiful new book, The Boathouses of Minnetonka, to peruse during lazy hours by the lake *. If like me, you’ll have to settle for a dream, these products can find a use in your boathouse-inspired home.
Join us on Pinterest as we collect images of the upper Midwest’s most classic examples.
- Editor’s note: These images include boathouses on Wisconsin’s Lake Minocqua.